Leia parim printer oma vajadusteks.

Tere tulemast Officeplusi veebipoodi mis on parim kontoriprinterite ostmise koht turul. Meil on pakkuda laia valikut erinevaid printeribrände nagu Lexmark, HP, Canon, Brother, Epson ja Xerox. Vahet ei ole kas te otsite kiiret ja töökindlat laserprinterit, mitmekülgset kõik-ühes multifunktsionaalset koopiamasinat või usaldusväärset tindiprinterit, me leiame teie vajadustele vastava lahenduse.

Kui sa juba tead mida sa tahad siis on lihtne, otsi meie andmebaasist ja kui ei leia küsi konsultandi käest. Ta otsib sulle parima hinnaga selle mida sa vajad. Kui sa ei ole oma valikus veel täiesti kindel siis loe edasi ja sa saad teada millele peaksid printeri ostmisel peamiselt tähelepanu pöörama.

90.86 € 90.86 EUR
Monochrome Laser Printer Pantum P2500W (compact, USB, WiFi)
seade, toitekaabel, USB kaabel, installeerimisjuhend, tarkvara ja dokumentatsiooni CD, kuni 700 lk starter toonerikassett
114.17 € 114.17 EUR
Lexmark X954de/ XS955 - Multifunction printer - colour - Laser - 297 x 432 mm (original) - 297 x 1219 mm (media) - up to 55 ppm (copying/printing) - 450 sheets - 33.6 Kbps - USB 2.0, Gigabit LAN, USB host
Power up your office and increase productivity with the Lexmark XS955, featuring high-performance A3 colour functionality, flexible features, easy-to-use workflow solutions, advanced security and 2 GB memory.
7,716.00 € 7716.0 EUR
Lexmark X925de - Multifunction printer - colour - Laser - 297 x 432 mm (original) - 297 x 1219 mm (media) - up to 31 ppm (copying/printing) - 450 sheets - 33.6 Kbps - USB 2.0, Gigabit LAN, USB host
värviline multifunktsionaalne laserprinter
SRA3, 31 lk/min, 1200 x 1200 dpi, 450 lehte, dupleks, RADF, faks, USB 2.0 (A & B), Gigabit Ethernet. 1-aastane garantii kohapeal
3,310.00 € 3310.0 EUR
Lexmark X792dte - Multifunction printer - colour - laser - 216 x 355 mm (original) - Legal (media) - up to 47 ppm (copying/printing) - 1750 sheets - 33.6 Kbps - USB 2.0, Gigabit LAN, USB host
värviline multifunktsionaalne laserprinter
A4, 47 lk/min, 1200 x 1200 dpi, 1750 lehte, dupleks, faks, USB 2.0 (A & B), Gigabit Ethernet, 1-aastane garantii kohapeal
3,919.80 € 3919.8 EUR
Lexmark X792de - Multifunction printer - colour - laser - 216 x 355 mm (original) - Legal (media) - up to 47 ppm (copying/printing) - 650 sheets - 33.6 Kbps - USB 2.0, Gigabit LAN, USB host
värviline multifunktsionaalne laserprinter
A4, 47 lk/min, 1200 x 1200 dpi, 650 lehte, dupleks, faks, USB 2.0 (A & B), Gigabit Ethernet, 1-aastane garantii kohapeal
2,164.87 € 2164.87 EUR
Lexmark X748de - Multifunction printer - colour - laser - 216 x 355 mm (original) - Legal (media) - up to 33 ppm (copying/printing) - 650 sheets - 33.6 Kbps - USB 2.0, Gigabit LAN, USB host
värviline multifunktsionaalne laserprinter
A4, 33 lk/min, 1200 x 1200 dpi, 650 lehte, dupleks, faks, USB 2.0 (A & B), Gigabit Ethernet, 1-aastane garantii kohapeal
1,603.92 € 1603.92 EUR
122.13 € 122.13 EUR
122.13 € 122.13 EUR
122.13 € 122.13 EUR
112.75 € 112.75 EUR
Lexmark C540 Waste Container, 18K
up to 36000 pages Black or 18000 pages Colour
23.77 € 23.77 EUR
54.17 € 54.17 EUR
40.00 € 40.0 EUR
Lexmark C792 Waste Container, 50K
up to 180000 pages Black or 50000 pages Colour
40.00 € 40.0 EUR
Lexmark 740W Waste Container, 50K
up to 90000 pages Black or 50000 pages Colour
29.00 € 29.0 EUR
Lexmark Secure Element
Lexmark Secure Element delivers an additional layer of security directly to your Lexmark printer or MFP by strengthening its ability to protect information stored on the device. By protecting the generation and storage of encryption keys used to safeguard data on your device, organisations can reduce the risk and expense associated with data loss caused by cyber threats. Secure Element can be installed on the product during manufacturing or by the customer, as the card easily installs on the motherboard in a similar manner as a SIM card on a mobile phone.
Not Available For Sale 0.0 EUR
31.97 € 31.970000000000002 EUR

Kui sul on otsustamisel abi vaja siis võta ühendust.

Valesti valitud printer võib sulle maksma minna tuhandeid eurosid rohkem kui peaks.